More adventures in farmland. We have 2 (and a half :) new animals on our farm! They came at the end of September and have settled in nicely. Except the one Sunday morning when they escaped and were running in the front yard. At least it happened BEFORE church and not after we had left. Anyway, allow us to introduce...
We got two Great Pyrenees dogs from Tennessee at the beginning of this month, but this was not a sudden thing. Once we found them, we pulled the trigger on getting them quickly, but to get to this point, we have to go back to 2017 and another trip to Tennessee.
June is when Dan and the boys started working on the barn projects. Back in the winter, Mark started this work with the removal of the milking stalls. After Dan retired, there was some organizing that needed to happen before the work on the second floor and woodshop could begin but things are finally gearing up!
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of our products, as well as a peek into our life on a small farm. Archives
December 2024